Destination Void: Is that our AI future?

Frank Herbert is more popular than he’s ever been lately because somebody finally made a decent movie about Dune.

(Really good in fact. Made me realize I didn’t quite get his point when I read it as a teenager. Villeneuve is a director who gets it.)

I’d like to see his other books become popular. He was such a great thinker and way ahead of the curve in so many ways.

I had no idea how important some of his topics would become later. He really knew how to extrapolate and he knew human nature.

One of those, is Destination Void. TLDR, it’s about a brutal attempt at creating true AI, with miraculous consequences.

After reading this blog post, I can see there was a lot more hand-waving the tech details than I remembered. But the writer was using his “hard SF” brain. I absolutely wouldn’t ignore the discussions about philosophy.

With all the new AI technologies coming online – AI art, ChatGPT, and the ones that make us fight on Twitter – questions about where all this is leading are more important than ever, whether you understand the tech or not.

BTW, apologies in advance, but I’ve decided to write longer pieces now and again. I’ll try to be merciful and edit the heck out of them.

#Science-Fiction, #Sci-Fi, #Frank-Herbert, #Dune, #Destination-Void, #AI, #Artificial-Intelligence

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